Answers to the Review Quiz
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes.
Red Hat OpenStack Operations
True or false: Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift enables management of applications running on OpenShift Virtualization VMs using OpenStack APIs.
Incorrect: Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift does not need nor integrates with OpenShift Virtualization. -
Correct: Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift manages application VMs directly, without using OpenShift Virtualization. It uses the VM manager included with RHEL (libvirt).
True or False: An OpenStack Operator needs access to the OpenShift web console to manage application workloads running as VMs on their OpenStack clusters.
Incorrect: OpenStack Operators do not require access to any OpenShift tool to perform their daily work. -
Correct: OpenStack Operators only need access to OpenStack APIs, which they get from the OpenStack client and the OpenStack Horizon dashboard.
True of False: An OpenStack Operator needs access to RHEL compute nodes to manage application VMs running on those nodes.
Incorrect: OpenStack Operators should not perform any tasks directly on compute nodes. -
Correct: OpenStack Operators manage application VMs using OpenStack APIs.
True or False: An OpenStack Administrator needs direct access to the OpenShift clusters running the OpenStack control planes of their OpenStack clusters.
Correct: OpenStack Administrators are required to manage OpenStack services using Kubernetes APIs and custom resources, and that requires access to OpenShift clusters. -
Incorrect: OpenStack Administrators cannot manage OpenStack services without access and visibility of their containers running on OpenShift.
True or False: An OpenStack Operator uses the Horizon dashboard for all daily tasks.
Incorrect: OpenStack Operators can perform most, but not all, of their tasks using the Horizon web UI. -
Correct: Sometimes an OpenStack operator needs to use the OpenStack client or some other tool which provides access to OpenStack APIs not available through Horizon.
An OpenStack Operator focuses on OpenStack API resources that affect individual application workloads, as opposed to OpenStack API resources which affect an entire cluster.
Correct: OpenStack Operators role focus on applications and their associated VMs, virtual networks, and virtual storage. -
Incorrect: Dealing with OpenStack API resources which potentially affect an entire cluster is the job of OpenStack Administrators.