2. Git Repositories

Request Access to a Quick Course Git Repository

Each quick course lives in its own GitHub repository. To contribute to a quick course send an email to ptl-products-team@redhat.com requesting access to the GitHub repositories for the quick courses you want to contribute to. Note that you must include the list of quick courses you want to contribute to (if you are contributing to more than one) in your email request.

You will receive an email invitation at your GitHub registered email address from GitHub. Follow the instructions in the email to get access to the quick course repository.

Install a Git Client

To clone the asciidoc source code for a quick course on your local workstation, you need a Git client.

If you are on mac OS, install the latest Git client using homebrew (https://brew.sh/)

brew install git

On Fedora or RHEL based systems, use dnf to install Git

dnf install git

On Ubuntu based systems and Windows WSL2, use apt

apt install git