OpenShift AI Resources - 2

Create Data Connection

Navigate to the Data Science Project section of the OpenShift AI Console /Dashboard. Select the Ollama-model project.

  1. Select the Data Connection menu, followed by create data connection

  2. Provide the following values:

    1. Name: models

    2. Access Key: use the minio_root_user value from previous section’s YAML file

    3. Secret Key: use the minio_root_password value from previous section’s YAML File

    4. Endpoint: use the MinIO API URL from the Routes page in Openshift Dashboard

    5. Region: This is required for AWS storage & cannot be blank, set value to "no-region-minio"

    6. Bucket: use the Minio Storage bucket name: models

dataconnection models

Repeat the same process for the Storage data connection, using storage for the "Name" & "Bucket".

Creating a WorkBench

Navigate to the Data Science Project section of the OpenShift AI Console /Dashboard. Select the Ollama-model project.

create workbench
  1. Select the WorkBench button, then click create workbench

    1. Name: ollama-model

    2. Notebook Image: Minimal Python

    3. Leave the remaining options default.

    4. Optionally, scroll to the bottom, check the Use data connection box.

    5. Select storage from the dropdown to attach the storage bucket to the workbench.

  2. Select the Create Workbench option.

Depending on the notebook image selected, it can take between 2-20 minutes for the container image to be fully deployed. The Open Link will be available when our container is fully deployed.

Creating The Model Server

From the ollama-model WorkBench Dashboard in the ollama-model project, navigate to the Models section, and select Deploy Model from the Single Model Serving Platform Button.

ollama model deploy
Figure 1. Animated - Single model deployment walkthrough

Create the model server with the following values:

  1. Model name: ollama-mistral (differs from animated deployment, use this name)

  2. Serving Runtime: Ollama

  3. Model framework: Any

  4. Model Server Size: Medium

  5. Model Route: Check the box to make models available via an external route.

  6. Token Authentication: Uncheck the box that requires token authentication.

  7. Model location data connection: models

  8. Model location path: /ollama

After clicking the Deploy button at the bottom of the form, the model is added to our Models & Model Server list. When the model is available, the inference endpoint will populate & the status will indicate a green checkmark.

We are now ready to interact with our newly deployed LLM Model. Join me in the next section to explore Mistral running on OpenShift AI using Jupyter Notebooks.