LAB20: Troubleshooting Event-Driven Ansible in Ansible Automation Platform

Welcome to the Troubleshooting Event-Driven Ansible in Ansible Automation Platform lab. In this session, we will work with Ansible Automation Platform 2.5, GitLab, and a Zabbix Server.

Labs 1 through 5 contain issues that need to be identified and resolved. Zabbix will monitor node1, and we will simulate an alert by stopping Apache. This alert will be sent to Event-Driven Ansible (Automation Decisions), which will use Ansible to resolve the detected issues. Several configuration changes will be required in the environment to achieve this outcome.

Lab Access

The terminal window on the right is already logged into the bastion node as the lab-user. If it is not click "Terminals" in the top left of the left-side screen and two terminals will appear. You will need to do a carriage return to get paste to work.

The ec2-user is the primary user account provisioned on controller, node1, and server. From the bastion host, the lab-user connects to all hosts by utilizing the ssh key of the ec2-user.

Lab Access Details

  • If you are not already logged in to the bastion host when you open the terminals, log in to it now:


Bastion password devops

Ansible Automation Platform Web Console:

To avoid being logged out, modify the Session cookie age. Log in to https://{nginx_web_url}. On the left side menu navigate to, Settings  Platform gateway. Click Edit platform gateway settings,and change the Session cookie age to 7200. Then click Save platform gateway settings. You will need to logout and log back in to implement the change.

Access Gitlab running on server:

Access Zabbix running on server:

The Zabbix server is currently running on HTTP and not HTTPS. If your browser automatically switches the URL to HTTPS, you will need to manually change it back to HTTP to access the server.

Access other instances from Bastion

  • Log in to the Ansible Automation Platform Controller from the bastion host:

[lab-user@bastion ~]$ ssh controller
  • Log in to node1 from bastion:

[lab-user@bastion ~]$ ssh node1
  • Log in to the additional server from bastion:

[lab-user@bastion ~]$ ssh server


If needed, here are links to documentation:


A step-by-step guided solution is provided at the end of each lab section. Before proceeding, take a moment to try the challenge on your own. The true value of this activity lies in your effort to troubleshoot independently. Once you have made an attempt, you can refer to the guided solutions to verify your approach or explore an alternate solution.