Preparing RHOCP for RHOSP Network Isolation
Network confiuration for the nodes is facilated by the below operators.
NMState operator facilitates network configuration for the nodes of the cluster.
offered by nmstate operator allows you to configure network settings on individual nodes in a network.
This policy can be used to set network interfaces, routing tables, firewall rules, and other network-related settings.
Multus CNI plugin facilitates the network configuration for the pods running control plane services for the cluster.
(NAD) is a feature offered by the Multus CNI (Container Network Interface) plugin.
NAD is used to provide existing layer-2 networking to pods.
MetalLB operator offers load balancing service for OSP control plane services.
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CRs offered by MetalLB operator facilitates IP advertisement from specified pools, ensuring efficient IP allocation to services and namespaces.