Setup MetalLB L2 Advertisement configuration
Copy sample L2Advertisement configuration for MetalLB from the same documentation url (step #16)
file. -
Create a copy of sample config to create MetalLB L2 Advertisement configuration file.
cp single-nic-vlan-metallb-l2-advertisements.sample osp-ng-metallb-l2-advertisements.yaml
Edit the file for use with your preferred editor.
vi osp-ng-metallb-l2-advertisements.yaml
Change the configuration as per your setup. You may just need to chance the interface names as per the network configuration table.
Lastly, configure a L2Advertisement resource which will define which node advertises a service to the local network which has been preconfigured for your lab environment:
oc apply -f osp-ng-metallb-l2-advertisements.yaml
Verify the configuration:
oc get -n metallb-system
Sample outputNAME IPADDRESSPOOLS IPADDRESSPOOL SELECTORS INTERFACES ctlplane ["ctlplane"] ["enp1s0"] internalapi ["internalapi"] ["enp1s0.20"] storage ["storage"] ["enp1s0.21"] tenant ["tenant"] ["enp1s0.22"]