Configure MetalLB IP Address Pools
Copy sample configuration for the MetalLB IP address pools configuration from the same documentation url (step #12)
file. -
Create a copy of sample config to create MetalLB IP Address Pools configuration file.
cp single-nic-vlan-metallb-address-pools.sample osp-ng-metal-lb-ip-address-pools.yaml
Edit the file for use with your preferred editor.
vi osp-ng-metal-lb-ip-address-pools.yaml
Make sure ip address ranges are as pre desired configuration form the network configuration table.
Apply the configuration in osp-ng-metal-lb-ip-address-pools.yaml file
oc apply -f osp-ng-metal-lb-ip-address-pools.yaml
Verify the metallb ip address pools using below command:
oc get -n metallb-system
Sample OutputNAME AUTO ASSIGN AVOID BUGGY IPS ADDRESSES ctlplane true false [""] internalapi true false [""] storage true false [""] tenant true false [""]