Fix Application is inaccessible externally
The application runs on a virtual machine exercise3
and is intended to be accessible externally through https://exercise3-namespace-userx.{openshift_cluster_ingress_domain}, but it’s currently facing connectivity issues.
The primary goal in this scenario is to investigate the cause of the issue by examining the OpenShift network components involved in accessing the application within the OpenShift cluster. |
The steps to fix exercise3 are:
Login to OpenShift console using the assigned user account.
Go to Virtualization - VirtualMachines - Select the project for the assigned user account - look for VM called
Go to Networking in the left menu and look for the route associated to this virtual machine. Route name is
Access the route in a new browser tab and check if the application is available. The application is currently not serving requests at this endpoint. It may not have been started or is still starting
Go to the Services menu to get the
service details. Look for the IP address and target port and check it is set to 80.
Go to Workloads and then look for the pods. Select the pod called
and access to its terminal.
Try to do
from the pod to the service IP address and port (80)
The service should be accessible with message:
Hello from exercise3
, you are doing a great job!
Now, check the target port for the route. Go to Network and then Routes and check
route port is set to 8080.
Edit the route in the
and update the target port into 80.
kind: Service
name: exercise3
weight: 100
targetPort: 80
Access the route URL again and now the application should be accessible.
lab grade exercise3
Command line (CLI)
Login to Openshift server API using the assigned user account with
command if not logged in.
Go to the assigned namespace-userx
oc project namespace-userx
Get the Virtual Machine pod IP address
PODIP=$(oc get pods -l \
-o jsonpath="{.items[*].status.podIP}" -n namespace-userx)
Use the curlimage pod to test the Virtual Machine and verify that it’s working as expected
oc exec curlimage -- curl -s $PODIP
Hello from exercise3, you are doing a great job!
Check the service details of exercise3 and get details for IP and Port
SVCIP=$(oc get svc exercise3 \
-o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}" -n namespace-userx)
Curl the IP and port from service in the curlimage pod
oc exec curlimage -- curl -s $SVCIP
Hello from exercise3, you are doing a great job!
Try to access the route and verify that it’s not working
oc exec curlimage -- \
curl -s https://exercise3-namespace-userx.{openshift_cluster_ingress_domain}
Check the route and verify that Wrong
Endpoint Port
oc describe route exercise3
Edit the route exercise3 and change
from 8080 to 80
oc edit route exercise3
or just use this patch
oc patch route exercise3 -p '{"spec":{"port":{"targetPort":80}}}'
Test the application
The application is available on https://exercise3-namespace-userx.{openshift_cluster_ingress_domain} |
oc exec curlimage -- curl -s \
What you learned
In this exercise, you learned how to troubleshoot issues preventing external access to an application by examining all related network components in OpenShift. You tested the application within the virtual machine, verified the service, and checked the route. These steps help you to determine whether the issue is within OpenShift or an external system.